Thursday, October 15, 2009

I'm moving to a new Blog location ..

I'm moving to a new Blog location ..

All of my stuff has been moved there, and any new posts will be there instead. I'll be closing this location down soon, so please visit me at my new space!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

New Trailer for Expendables

Check it out here!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Toy Story 3 Trailer

Check out the new trailer for Toy Story 3 here!

Friday, October 9, 2009

Crash into the Moon!

Nasa launched a probe into the moon this morning, causing debri to fly miles high into the air. The object? To send another probe through the rubble, taking pictures and samples of the debri - in order to find water.

Check out the info on this at the Nasa Site!

Toy Story 3

First showing has revealed new information on Toy Story 3!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Google Street View

Kinda creepy isn't it? You can see a 'from the street view' from anywhere! Check out your house, and zoom in on your window!

A new full theatrical Trailer for 2012

The new trailer is out for 2012! Check it out at, or simply click below!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Who's the most Influential man?

Readers of, a website devoted to men and their lifestyles, looked back in time and at their own TVs to find 2009's most influential man -- the character Don Draper of Emmy-winning drama Mad Men. The annual poll turned up some surprising choices outside the usual lineup of notable celebrities and star businessmen. Track star Usain Bolt was the No. 2 most influential man, President Barack Obama was third, and behind him was Facebook chief executive Mark Zuckerberg. Draper, who's played by actor Jon Hamm, is a creative executive at the advertising agency in the center of Mad Men. He is a family man, but has had his share of affairs. He is not perfect, but he tries to do right.'s editor-in-chief says Draper exemplifies a "traditional man" that readers have come to respect in 2009, amid the recession but not necessarily because of it. Check out the full list here:

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Catch Condoms with a Banana


If you're trying to kill a couple minutes at work today, you might want to check out a new online video game from the AIDS Council of New South Wales in Australia called the "Slip it On" condom game.

The point is simple. Basically, you use your mouse to control a BANANA back and forth across the screen catching as many FALLING CONDOMS as you can, while avoiding little icons representing STDs and unprotected sex.

There's even a bonus level called the Boner Round. It's all fairly entertaining.

If you're wondering what the point of this is, the game is part of a safe-sex campaign in Australia encouraging gay men to wrap it up. Anyway, knock yourself out with this ridiculous thing, here...

Monday, October 5, 2009

Trailer for The Crazies

Check out the new trailer of this great new flick!

Clash of the Titans Photos

Pictures of Liam Neeson in costum as Zeus from Clash of the Titans have surfaced on the net! Check them out here:

Photos From Red Dawn

Check out these photos from the set of the new Red Dawn Remake.

Friday, October 2, 2009

First Look: Joe Carnahan's The A-Team Actors in Action

A few weeks back we featured the first photo of the infamous van from The A-Team. Now we finally have a photo showing all four lead actors that are part of the "team" shooting up in Vancouver. ComingSoon has the photo and it's not the greatest quality, but for some reason I'm just excited seeing this. From left to right there is: Quinton "Rampage" Jackson looking a bit upset, Liam Neeson with some short grey hair, Sharlto Copley looking pretty much the same, and Bradley Cooper looking a little more sleek. As I already said, it's just exciting (for me at least) to see the four of these guys standing together. Can't wait for more photos!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Seth Rogen as Green Hornet

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

New Trailer For Fantastic Mr. Fox

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Jessica Alba Removes Tattoo

Monday, September 28, 2009 has the new trailers for "Nightmare on Elm Street" and "Book of Eli"

New species of frog has fangs, eats birds, and is flavoured with the refreshing taste of Limnon

Friday, September 25, 2009

First Look: Promo Art for Nick Frost & Simon Pegg's Paul

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Missing Teen - Mariam Makhniashvili - Any information, call 1-800-222-TIPS

Fame Kills Promo Video

Cell Phone Horror Drama

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

FlashForward First 18 Minutes

First Photo from The Fighter

Epic New Batch of Photos from Roland Emmerich's 2012

Two More Actors Join the Cast of Kenneth Branagh's Thor - Colm Feore (seen in Season 7 of "24") and Jaimie Alexander (seen in ABC Family's "Kyle XY")

What could be a costume test for Nicolas Cage as Superman

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Missing Teen - Mariam Makhniashvili - Any information, call 1-800-222-TIPS

HBO bites into fashion with 'True Blood' jewelry

Lost Dating video from the 80's

Monday, September 21, 2009

Fan Art Contest: Where the Wild Things Ought to Be…

Awesome TV Spot for Pixar's Toy Story & Toy Story 2 in 3D

First Look: The New A-Team Van Being Chased Around Canada

Friday, September 18, 2009

Some Stuff: Friday, September 18, 2009

On this date in 1985, "Late Night with David Letterman" presented its first "Top Ten List," Things That Almost Rhyme With Peas

This morning I have a potential 2010 start date for X-Men: First Class this according to actor Tim Pocock, who played the young Scott Summers/Cyclops in Wolverine, after a recent twitter posting. You might remember back in April, producer Lauren Schuler Donner (X-Men Trilogy, Wolverine) told us that X-Men: First Class would be like a whole new beginning of the franchise

Clint Eastwood's all set to follow up last year's Gran Torino, and this year's Invictus, with the supernatural thriller Hereafter, and his first foray into the genre world has found its lead, Matt Damon. The most they'll say is that Hereafter is "a thriller in the vein of The Sixth Sense.

Disney will release the long-awaited "Tron" sequel, "Tron: Legacy", on December 17th, 2010. It's in 3D, if that makes a difference to you. (--And it's STILL in 3D, even if it DOESN'T make a difference to you.)

Melanie already told us about HBO developing a True Blood video game.
In other Vampire news The "Twilight" sequel, "New Moon", doesn't open until November 20th. That's a full TWO MONTHS from now.

But online ticket sellers like Fandango and say that screenings are already selling out. I still don’t get it.

Some Stuff: Thursday, September 17, 2009

On this date in 1920, the NFL was founded

The trailer for JIM CARREY'S new, animated version of "A Christmas Carol" The movie comes out November 6th. It was directed by ROBERT ZEMECKIS, who also did "The Polar Express" . . . and it uses the same kind of "motion capture" animation technology that that flick used.

Nick Cage just laid it out on the table yesterday on why he dropped out o Seth Rogens “Green Hornet” he said, "wasn't interested in just being just a straight up bad guy who was killing people willy-nilly. I had to have some humanity and to try to give it something where you could understand why the character was the way he was but I don't think there was enough time to develop it."

"Up until now, holograms have been for the eyes only, and if you'd try to touch it, your hand would go right through," Hiro-yuki Shinoda, professor at Tokyo university and one of the developers of the technology, says
"But now we have a technology that also adds the sensation of touch to holograms."
Holograms -- three-dimensional images -- are commonly found on credit cards, DVDs and CDs to prevent forgery, and larger scale holograms have been used in entertainment. Like Will.I.Am during the democratic convention last year.
By using ultrasonic waves, the scientists have developed software that creates pressure when a user's hand "touches" a hologram that is projected. The technology has so far been tested with relatively simple objects, although the researchers have more practical plans, including virtual switches at hospitals, for example, and other places where contamination by touch is an issue.

Games have long played a role in classrooms, but next month marks the launch of the first U.S. public school curriculum based entirely on game-inspired learning. Select sixth graders can look forward to playing video games such as "Little Big Planet" and "Civilization," as well as non-digital games ranging from role-playing scenarios to board games and card games. The Quest to Learn (Q2L) school, based in Manhattan, hopes its guided approach can help students take on the role of explorers, mathematicians, historians, writers and evolutionary biologists.

JJ’s review of the U2 360 Tour in Toronto September 16, 2009

First of all let me just say that the last time I was at a stadium concert was back in 1987 when INXS played the old exhibition stadium when I was 13, so this was a probably the biggest show I’ve seen in a 8 years??? I was lucky enough to have a standing spot right under the big “claw” stage, which looking up at the CN Tower from underneath with the open dome really resembled a rocket ship… says the geek in me. The show started with David Bowie’s Major Tom playing while smoke billowed from the 360 screen… a lot like a rocket ship….

Alright, U2 came out and opened with music from the new album “No line on the Horizon” which honestly I am not too familiar with. I’m pretty sure everyone including me was waiting for anything from the Joshua Tree, and when “I Still Haven’t Found what I’m Looking For” happened and 60,000 people joined in on the chorus it was as I always dreamed, I get chills thinking about it. The set included most of the biggies from the “Joshua Tree”, with an “Amazing Grace” intro to “Where the Streets Have no Name.” There were other hits like “Vertigo” “One” Stuck in a Moment” and I had heard that they performed “Sunday Bloody Sunday" on the European leg of the tour and was stoked to hear it at the Rogers Centre.

Lots of running, prancing and strutting from the band, but nothing overly choreographed
Theatrically it was all the 360 stage, which was exactly that, 360 degrees with two outer cat walks circling the main stage attached by two bridges. There must have been tons of cameras because the real show was the 360 screen flashing video of the concert interspersed with lighting patterns and social messages.

Yes it’s true U2 doesn’t put out ground breaking, landscape changing albums like Joshua tree anymore, but they do still rally for change through all their humanitarian work which definitely had a presence at the show, with “the One” campaign, Aung San Suu Kyi masks and a video featuring Bishop Desmon Tutu.

So let me sum up, Rocket ship-esque stage, all my favorite tunes, social commentary, open stadium and 60,000 + in attendance for me equals a very rare 6 out of 5. A little much some might say and I’ll agree, I had some great seats right up close so I didn’t feel the disconnect that some have mentioned about the show. That said this is JJ’s review of the U2 360 Toronto concert.

Some Stuff: September 16, 2009

1955: Play-Doh was introduced.
IDEAS FOR TRANSFORMERS 3 _ Michael Bay says he'll meet this week with producer Steven Spielberg to discuss ideas for Transformers 3. By the end of the week he will probably have a better idea if a third film will hit theaters in the summer of 2011 or 2012.

PETER BERG TO DIRECT BATTLESHIP _ Universal has officially signed filmmaker Peter Berg to direct a big screen adaptation of Hasbro’s board game Battleship. It'll be a live action project that should hit theaters in July, 2011.

JESSICA BIEL has joined the cast of the "A-Team" movie. She'll play an ex-girlfriend of "Face" . . . who's being played by BRADLEY COOPER.

Facebook has hit the 300 million user mark. The announcement yesterday means that Facebook grew from 200 million users to 300 million in just over 5 months.

Guys . . . if you prefer plastic ladies as opposed to human ladies, well a German company called First Androids has just come out with the perfect partner for
--Introducing "Andy," a lifelike sex doll that actually BREATHES and has a PULSE. (!!!) But that's not all Andy can do . . .
--According to the company, Andy can also:
--Hold several different sex positions
--And, if you like, Andy can even come equipped with a G-SPOT that responds to stimulation by causing her to climax.
She’ll do everything, Everything but love you with all her heart

Does anyone remember the short-lived reality show called Battle Bots? It was this show where engineers would create robots and have them battle in an a small arena, well now director Shawn Levy (Night at the Museum) helming a project called Real Steel, a film about a father and son who take a robot to the Bot Boxing Championship.

Some Stuff Sept 15, 2009

On this date in 1949, The Lone Ranger premiered on ABC 

-- On this date in 1965, Green Acres debuted on CBS

-- On this date in 1977, CHiPs premiered

"The story for the new Indiana Jones is in the process of taking form this according to, Harrison Ford, he says , "Steven Spielberg, George Lucas and myself are agreed on what the fifth adventure will concern, and George is actively at work. If the script is good, I'll be very happy to put the costume on again.

Video footage has been released of a robot that can leap over obstacles more than 7.5m (25ft) high.
Most of the time, the shoebox-sized robot - which is being developed for the US military - uses its four wheels to get around.
But the Precision Urban Hopper can use a piston-actuated "leg" to launch it over obstacles such as walls or fences.
The robot could boost the capabilities of troops and special forces engaged in urban warfare, say researchers.

In other robot news an unmanned “Hunter-Killer Predator drone” had to be shot down by a manned jet after in Afganistan after its failsafe failed. According to US Miltary, Apparently this is a common occurance . EVERYBODY PANIC

Printing the entire Internet is a ridiculous idea, but in the event that you actually wanted a printout of the entire Internet today, then you would have to have started printing back in 1800 BC to get it done by now. And if you wanted to read it all it would take 57,000 years, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, non-stop.

Fresh off his sure-to-be-nominated performance as Hans Landa in Quentin Tarantino's Inglourious Basterds Christoph Waltz, has just been cast to play the villain in Seth Rogens Green Hornet this instead of Cage

Sources say that UFC fighter Quinton "Rampage" Jackson has landed the mohawked and bejeweled role made famous in the TV series The A-Team by Mr. T. Jackson has been spotted on the Vancouver,. To back up the rumors, a number of UFC websites are claiming Jackson has postponed a December fight because of the new gig.

WORLD'S NEW TALLEST SKYSCRAPER BEING PLANNED _ A California architect (Tommy Landau) is developing plans for what would be the world’s tallest building –- a 224-story, eco-conscious skyscraper in Abu Dhabi. The current record holder –- the Burj Dubai, in the United Arab Emirates –- will reach 162 stories when completed.

The Stuff - September 13

1994: The Major League Baseball season was canceled due to strike.

Lots of big news coming out of Disneys D23 Expo from this weekend: including the announcement of a new Muppet movie, and new animation label for Guillermo Del Toro. Prince of Persia is NOT going to be released as a 3-D feature.

Disney has announced the official title for the 4th "Pirates of the Caribbean" movie. It's called "Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides" . . . and it'll be out in the summer of 2011.

This is bad news if you dig those "Ocean's" movies: Director STEVEN SODERBERGH says there will never be another one . . . because BERNIE MAC . . . one of the original crew . . . is dead

My source caught up with Bruce Campbell and found out from him that not only is his role in Spider-Man 4 considered to be a "major one," but apparently the sequel will begin shooting in January of 2010.

As everyone knows, MEGAN FOX talks a lot of crap. And over the summer, one of the people she talked crap about was her "Transformers" director, MICHAEL BAY. She even compared him to HITLER, and said he's a nightmare to work for.

Well, three anonymous crew members who've worked with Michael Bay for years posted a letter on Bay's website, tearing into Megan. Big time.

It's pretty long and involved, but this quote from the end of the letter sums it up pretty well . . . quote, "Megan really is a thankless, classless, graceless, and shall we say unfriendly (B-word).

"It's sad how fame can twist people, and even sadder that young girls look up to her. If only they knew who they're really looking up to."

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Walk a Mile with JJ...Donate (((HERE)))

A Christmas Carol

First Badass Trailer for Pierre Morel's From Paris with Love!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Toy Story 3, Goats, Dark Country, Saw VI

Final Poster for Disney's A Christmas Carol

Creepy Trailer for Paranormal Activity Debuts!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

R.I.P. Patrick Swayze 1952-2009

Military robot 'hops' over (((HERE)))

Monday, September 14, 2009

Twilight: New Moon Extended Trailer

Shia LaBeouf in Wall Street 2: Money Never Sleeps

Official Trailer for Disney's A Christmas Carol Finally Arrives

How To Train Your Dragon Teaser

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

The Beatles: Rock Band video game review

Rambo V Teaser Poster

Wonderful New Poster: Where the Wild Things Are

Worth Watching: Awesome Live-Action Halo 3: ODST Trailer

Thursday, September 3, 2009

LOBO (DC Comics)

New robot to reduce burden on care (((HERE)))

First Official Trailer for Boondock Saints II: All Saints Day

Warning: RATED R Trailer

Badass Trailer for Woody Harrelson's Defendor!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Some Stuff: Wednesday, September 2, 2009

The very talented astrophotographer Ralf Vandebergh has captured an astonishing view of the International Space Station: The image was taken on August 29, before the current Discovery mission, and shows the station gleaming in sunlight.

Rumours are circulating this moring that Marvel is looking at converting Jon Favreau's Iron Man 2 into 3D. On top of that, they're considering converting Iron Man 1 to 3D and re-releasing it a bit earlier. Favreau and Downey are teaming up again for a movie called "Cowboys and Aliens".

IMAX has booked J.J. Abrams' Star Trek for a re-release this weekend in 85 theaters around the US and Canada. Star Trek will run for another two weeks until Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs opens on September 18th.

In a recent interview with Sam Worthington on the set of the forth coming “Clash of the Titans” he offered these tidbits…"What these guys and Louis [Leterrier] have set out to do is raise the richter [scale] to 11, in the sense of, the scorpions are the size of dump trucks, Medusa is a lot quicker and a lot more scarier, and the whole world itself is… big and epic in scope."

Is there a scientific way o tell how bad a fart is?

Oh yes! Now there is…For their senior project, two Cornell University computer-engineering whizzes recently built a machine that does just that. After learning in class how breathalyzers work, Robert Clain and Miguel Salas assembled a fart detector from a sensitive hydrogen sulfide monitor, a thermometer and a microphone and wrote the software that would rate the emission. A “slight perturbance in the air” near the detector sets it to work measuring the three pillars of fart quality: stench, temperature and sound. Temperature, Clain explains, is critical. The hotter a fart, the faster it spreads. “It beeps faster if it’s a high ranker, and a voice rates it on a scale of zero to nine,” he says. “If it ranks a nine, a fan comes on to blow it away. It even records the noise so you can play it back later

Want to know if there’s been an outbreak of H1N1 in the neighborhood? There’s an app for that. Outbreaks Near Me is a location-aware application for the iPhone based on the free HealthMap epidemiological web service, which allows users to access disease-outbreak information. Unlike the web-based service, users can contribute signs that public health trouble is afoot in what the organization is calling "participatory epidemiology." The founder of HealthMap says what he's envisioning with Outbreaks Near me is "...say you're in a clinical setting as a patient or clinician and seeing lots of unusual cases of something. You’d be able to note that down and submit it into the system."

First Look: CGI Smurfs

Spectacular new ISS picture… from the ground!

FYI: Is There a Scientific Way to Measure How Bad a Fart Smells?

Some Stuff: Tuesday, September 1, 2009

1972: American Bobby Fischer won the international chess crown in Iceland, defeating Boris Spassky of the Soviet Union.

The Walt Disney Company is buying Marvel Entertainment Inc. for $4-billion (U.S.) in cash and stock, bringing characters like Iron Man and Spider-Man into the family of Mickey Mouse and WALL-E. Marvel shares jumped 26 per cent, shortly after the market opened. Disney shares fell 1.8 per cent. In all, Disney now owns some 5,000 Marvel characters Marvel will still remain in creative control over their own company. But now have some great resources like PIXAR and the incredible pool of Disney artists available to them. On the down side this could mean less graphicness.

Fox has announced that they're moving forward on rebooting the Fantastic Four franchise . The producer behind Poseidon, I Am Legend and Hancock has been hired to oversee the reboot as producer. The studio has also hired Michael Green a co-executive producer on "Heroes" who also co-wrote the Green Lantern movie, to write the new screenplay.

Sly Stallone has signed on for another Rambo movie that will chronicle John Rambo's battle against human traffickers and drug lords near the U.S.-Mexico border.

Yesterday, officials in Uganda announced that they're launching a new social networking website later this month. It's called, and it'll allow users to track to the movements of MOUNTAIN GORILLAS.

According to Ugandan officials, once users pay the $1 fee to sign up, they'll be able to watch live video feeds of mountain gorillas in the wild, and they'll even be able to track the gorillas' movements by GPS.

Plus, they'll receive weekly updates alerting them of new births, and other gorilla-related info. --"Once you befriend a gorilla, you will be interacting with your gorilla friend on a weekly basis, and you will get updates on the movement of your gorilla friend."

I told you about this back in April, but given it’s back to school time I thought I’d bring it up again. AT&T's Family Map plan, allows users to see their child's location on a detailed map with the street address via computer or cell phone. Parents also can receive text messages or e-mail updates at certain times of the day to ensure their child has made it home from school,

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Toronto Sun Readers Choice (HERE)

Friday, August 28, 2009

Newbie interviews Rob (HERE)

New Avatar Na'vi Photos are Worth Checking Out

Kurt Cobain in "Guitar Hero"

Creepy Crazy New Photos from Bruce Willis' Surrogates

New 2012 Banners - Will Destruction Sell Audiences

Brand New Japanese Trailer for Roland Emmerich's 2012

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Awesome International Trailer for Zombieland!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Some Stuff: Tuesday, August 25, 2009

On this date in 1949, RCA announced it had invented a system for broadcasting color television

Check our Blog for an amazing looking teaser for Christopher Nolan's “Inception” starring Leonardo DiCaprio. (In Theaters July 16, 2010) (Matrix and The Day the earth stood still)

That trailer for JAMES CAMERON'S upcoming flick "Avatar" was watched 4 MILLION times in its first day online. That's a record for

I didn't realize that "Hancock" was such a big hit . . . but it did well enough to warrant a sequel . . . which is in development as we speak. WILL SMITH and director PETER BERG are expected to return. There's no word yet on any other casting.

David Goyer seems to have a lot on his plate. He's currently working on "Flash Forward" for ABC and is lining up other projects like The Invisible Man. He's also still attached to direct X-Men Origins: Magneto, at least for the time being. Fox actively developing a Wolverine sequel, Deadpool spin-off, and X-Men: First Class spin-off

Snow Leopard is here months early it’ll drop on Friday. So here’s the deal… Apple is emphasizing performance over new features, calling this version "refined, not reinvented" and advertising such improvements as faster startup and shutdown times, a smaller disk footprint and a more crash-resistant Web browser.

Apple is also pricing Snow Leopard low enough to make it almost an automatic upgrade from the current, already-good OS X 10.5 Leopard: just $29, $100 less than what Leopard sold for at its debut. (If you bought a Mac from June 8 on, right after Snow Leopard had its first in-depth demonstration at an Apple conference, you can probably get it for just $9.95.)

But people running older versions of OS X aren't eligible for those deals, and many older Macs can't run Snow Leopard at any price.

A pair of Michigan law students have hit the Internet big-time with a website allowing users to share their strange and amusing text messages. Ben Bator and Lauren Leto, both graduates of Michigan State University attending law school at Wayne State University, said the funny texts they received from their friends led them to create their site, Bator and Leto said they go through 10,000 to 15,000 submissions each night to decide what makes it onto the site. Senders are identified only by their area codes. The messages on the Web site include obscene stories, bizarre confessions and existential question. (Warning: Many of the texts on the site are NSFW.)


Every year, the people at McAfee put together a list of the most dangerous celebrities to search for. In other words, the celebs whose names can get you in the most viruses, spyware, adware and other garbage that'll mess up your computer.

This year, that honor goes to JESSICA BIEL. McAfee says that searching Jessica's name gives you a ONE IN FIVE chance of landing on a site that has tested positive for some kind of online threat.

Here's the complete list of this year's most dangerous celebrities to search for . . .










#10.) BRAD PITT (--He was #1 last year.)

Teaser Trailer for Christopher Nolan's Inception

Friday, August 21, 2009

Do you wanna see the Avatar trailer? yes you do!!! click (((((HERE)))))

The Wolfman Trailer...sooo good

Thursday, August 20, 2009

The Michael Jackson robot / casino that could have been