Friday, September 18, 2009

Some Stuff Sept 15, 2009

On this date in 1949, The Lone Ranger premiered on ABC 

-- On this date in 1965, Green Acres debuted on CBS

-- On this date in 1977, CHiPs premiered

"The story for the new Indiana Jones is in the process of taking form this according to, Harrison Ford, he says , "Steven Spielberg, George Lucas and myself are agreed on what the fifth adventure will concern, and George is actively at work. If the script is good, I'll be very happy to put the costume on again.

Video footage has been released of a robot that can leap over obstacles more than 7.5m (25ft) high.
Most of the time, the shoebox-sized robot - which is being developed for the US military - uses its four wheels to get around.
But the Precision Urban Hopper can use a piston-actuated "leg" to launch it over obstacles such as walls or fences.
The robot could boost the capabilities of troops and special forces engaged in urban warfare, say researchers.

In other robot news an unmanned “Hunter-Killer Predator drone” had to be shot down by a manned jet after in Afganistan after its failsafe failed. According to US Miltary, Apparently this is a common occurance . EVERYBODY PANIC

Printing the entire Internet is a ridiculous idea, but in the event that you actually wanted a printout of the entire Internet today, then you would have to have started printing back in 1800 BC to get it done by now. And if you wanted to read it all it would take 57,000 years, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, non-stop.

Fresh off his sure-to-be-nominated performance as Hans Landa in Quentin Tarantino's Inglourious Basterds Christoph Waltz, has just been cast to play the villain in Seth Rogens Green Hornet this instead of Cage

Sources say that UFC fighter Quinton "Rampage" Jackson has landed the mohawked and bejeweled role made famous in the TV series The A-Team by Mr. T. Jackson has been spotted on the Vancouver,. To back up the rumors, a number of UFC websites are claiming Jackson has postponed a December fight because of the new gig.

WORLD'S NEW TALLEST SKYSCRAPER BEING PLANNED _ A California architect (Tommy Landau) is developing plans for what would be the world’s tallest building –- a 224-story, eco-conscious skyscraper in Abu Dhabi. The current record holder –- the Burj Dubai, in the United Arab Emirates –- will reach 162 stories when completed.