Friday, September 18, 2009

Some Stuff: Friday, September 18, 2009

On this date in 1985, "Late Night with David Letterman" presented its first "Top Ten List," Things That Almost Rhyme With Peas

This morning I have a potential 2010 start date for X-Men: First Class this according to actor Tim Pocock, who played the young Scott Summers/Cyclops in Wolverine, after a recent twitter posting. You might remember back in April, producer Lauren Schuler Donner (X-Men Trilogy, Wolverine) told us that X-Men: First Class would be like a whole new beginning of the franchise

Clint Eastwood's all set to follow up last year's Gran Torino, and this year's Invictus, with the supernatural thriller Hereafter, and his first foray into the genre world has found its lead, Matt Damon. The most they'll say is that Hereafter is "a thriller in the vein of The Sixth Sense.

Disney will release the long-awaited "Tron" sequel, "Tron: Legacy", on December 17th, 2010. It's in 3D, if that makes a difference to you. (--And it's STILL in 3D, even if it DOESN'T make a difference to you.)

Melanie already told us about HBO developing a True Blood video game.
In other Vampire news The "Twilight" sequel, "New Moon", doesn't open until November 20th. That's a full TWO MONTHS from now.

But online ticket sellers like Fandango and say that screenings are already selling out. I still don’t get it.